Aku ke yang terasa,or org lain yg tersilap rase.I think ade org yg took things too serious on this cyber world kot.
C'mon takkan kau camtu kot.Ok thing is I'm dramatic and I'm xtra friendly kot but I never take things seriously.In anything,nada.So please dont take it the wrong way.
Yes,I'm a bit outspoken and most of the times I love bluffing.All the crap,just for fun.
Because this is just cyber..its juz another world for me to chill and having fun and run from my reality life which is full of the seriousness in corporate world.Arghh..
Tetiba ada org took it seriously.C'mon la..If you are not the one of who can provide me bling bling more than I provide for myself,dont ever think about it OK.You are just not worth it.
Sorry,I dont mean to make it harsh for you.I just wanna be a good friend.
Juz like anyone else,share the opinions and thought.
Ko rase ko bagus sangat takyah kawan ngan orang.Duduk kat hutan sorang2 ok. (bajet hensem tu takleh blah tu)wekk~ :P