Bukan senang kot aku nak rase down.Bcoz i'm kinda 'pegi mamps same korg' jenis punye org.But today,i feel a bit down.I miss my best friends,i miss the moment we've spent time together.Terjal sesama,fly time.Tipu warden.Mengampu pak guard.Melawan mak guard.Tiru project/drawing org.Goreng nasi kat hostel pakai dapo gas camping sampai satu level 9 can smell it haha gile!~Overnite kat Jamal pastu melepak kat depan Jaya Store-Sec14.Those were sweet time-mude,sewel dan berani tak hengat.
Ouh ade lg best dr tu kot.Time tu bulan pose,and 5 of us masuk KFC pasal nak beli lunch.Al-kisah konon sume tak pose la-cuti.Yg lawaknye bukan kite yg tersipu sipu kan,tp abg KFC tu yg malu-malu kucing siam bungkus ayam utk kite huhuu~ Igt lg mase kite sume makan kat San Francisco,pastu bungkus pinggan mangkuk ngan teko2 sekali bawak balik hostel.Sumpah kalo get caught mmg abis la riwayat kite.Tp kite selamat kan? haha.
Bile time ptg2,abg2 senior main bola kat padang mengadap depan tingkap hostel..kite dok mengenyam suweett diorg.haaha.bile warden selongkar lemari baju n found those hugging shirt,kena la soal jawab.tp sgt terbaik la bile kite jawab tu sume baju adik kite terbawak pegi hostel.gile bodo nak mamps haha.haih~ how i miss being young again.
Seriously,i feel that i'm getting old.Haih~ i'm the old lady Haih~
comeynyer :D
uhuks..*malu* :P
nape you lak nak malu. i cakap the lil girl in the pic. not you. hahaha
is that u naz? alahai..comeyyy nyer..geram tgk ngan spek merah love tu..hahaha
kerol: woi woi.thats me when i was little of coz la i malu ekk~ :P
anonymous:yes thats me back then huhu.i pon suke gamba pakai spek tu.rase diri sendri adorable mase kecik haha
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